SAP Blog

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Skills of a good SAP Consultant I

What are the skills of a GOOD SAP Consultant? Well, this is a hard to answer question but I'm willing to take the risk ans propose an answer. I hope others will come with theirs opinions to compile a GOOD SAP Consultant Profile. Today I will focus on comunication skills.

1) Comunication Skills.
A GOOD SAP Consultant must know how to comunicate with other parties involved in the implementation: customer employees, customer team members, coleagues, management team, other vendors.
A GOOD SAP Consultant must adjust it's comunication skills to the level of whom he/she needs to comunicate, so he/she must know when to speak and when to listen, when to jump into a conclusion, when to have a hard tone or a soft one. I think all this skills comes after years of experience (I have 5 years of ERP consulting) and I still learn from my comunication experiences.
Also, it is important to know the language in which you comunicate. I think that all the SAP consultants must know English and also German, because there are a huge part of SAP which is documented in German. (From my experinece, the IS-U module has it's function modules documentation mostly in German).

Other comments anyone?
Next time will introduce other skill: Programming knowledge.

1 comment:

dennyx said...

If you dont have a background in IT you can have an SAP career without a doubt. I konw SAP Consultants who had priviously worked like secretaries, engineers, HR, accountants, etc.. Depends if you like it or know. There's a lifestyle coming with the SAP consultant career. That is a lot of travel and a lot of time spent away from your family. Sometimes is good sometimes is bad. However I like it.
My advice: go for the SAP career no matter your previous career was, and be passionate about it.